Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to protect Baby Birds From Outdoor Cats?

Rehabilitation Centers - How to protect Baby Birds From Outdoor Cats?
The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination How to protect Baby Birds From Outdoor Cats?. And the content related to Rehabilitation Centers.

Do you know about - How to protect Baby Birds From Outdoor Cats?

Rehabilitation Centers! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I saw two little birds in the nest near my house which is unprotected without their parents near them. While I was looking at them I realized that the mom bird was watching me, just to make sure I wasn't getting to close to her babies. While she was observing me, she was looking for food to give to them. She approached the nest and fed her babies. She was trying to protect them from predators.

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How is How to protect Baby Birds From Outdoor Cats?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehabilitation Centers.

Later in the day I went back to check if they were ok. I noticed that one little bird was dead on the floor. The neighbor's cat reached the nest and caught one of the birds. I was honestly sad when I saw the baby bird dead on the floor. I looked at the mom bird and I noticed that she was more alert to protect the only surviving bird. She was attacking any animal that was trying to approach the nest together with Dive-bombing at me a couple of times.

I started to think what I could do to help her protect the only surviving bird. I know if I touch the baby or the nest she will smell my odor and she will reject the baby and will not come back to the nest. (That's not true). I can touch the nest and the birds without problems. Birds do not identify their young by smell, but by their appearance and by their sound. They will continue to feed their babies, even after man touched the little birds.

In that moment I had so many questions on my mind. Should I take the baby bird home? It wouldn't be a good idea to move the birds from the nest. Birds have a good opportunity of surviving under its own parents' care than under human care with the irregularity of trained experts. Never take them home.

Should I feed the baby bird? Feeding the baby bird can be perilous and can cause the death of the bird. Baby birds need a special diet high in protein to help them grow quickly.

Should I move the nest from the tree? Leave the nest and the bird where you found them because wild animals must remain in the wild in order to survive, unless the bird is injured or abandoned by the mother. In this case I recommend you to caress a Wildlife rehabilitation Center. They have the knowledge in how to take care of the birds in a allowable way than regular people.

After looking out all this data I learned that I had to leave the baby bird in the nest. The cat was still there stocking the nest. My neighbor gave me some suggestions.

A temporary solution to this problem would be to use an automatic sprinkler near the tree. This would scare the cat and keep it away for awhile. Another solution my neighbor recommend was to build an enclosure near the tree. One of the best solutions that the neighbor and I found was to keep the cat indoors as long as we could. So that was what the neighbor and I did.

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