Sunday, June 24, 2012

How Often Can You Use the Ems principles on the Same Muscle Groups?

Rehabilitation Institute Chicago - How Often Can You Use the Ems principles on the Same Muscle Groups?
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination How Often Can You Use the Ems principles on the Same Muscle Groups?. And the content related to Rehabilitation Institute Chicago.

Do you know about - How Often Can You Use the Ems principles on the Same Muscle Groups?

Rehabilitation Institute Chicago! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Ems, or Electrical Muscle Stimulation is a type of fitness enhancement expedient that involves using a low-level galvanic current to cause muscles to contract, helping them enhance in compel and appearance. Ems originated in Soviet Russia in the 1950's as a way of addition athletes' corporeal compel and muscle tone. Its originator was Dr. Y. Kots of the Central organize of corporeal Culture in the old Ussr. Dr. Kots introduced Ems to the rest of the world when he presented a paper about his discovery at Concordia University in Montreal. There, he outlined the grand possible for using Ems as compel enhancer.

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How is How Often Can You Use the Ems principles on the Same Muscle Groups?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehabilitation Institute Chicago.

As early as the 1970s, Ems was used in the United States, primarily as a means of rehabilitating injured muscles. It was used in hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, but was fairly rare and unknown by the public. Ems' effectiveness as a muscle maker (compared with accepted exercise) was as a source of debate, and is still being discussed today. Many researchers still doubt Ems' effectiveness, especially when it is compared to the claims used in marketing Ems to the public. However, many researchers and fitness professionals will attest to Ems' effectiveness.

Eventually, the use of Ems spread to pro athletes, college sports teams, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts as a way of augmenting an practice program. Currently, Ems machines are also marketed toward sedentary, non-athletes as way for them to practice without animated -a source of much discussion and argument.

Many manufacturers claim that their machines will cause people to lose fat and get in shape without a real practice programs. While Ems machines can in fact growth muscle tone, these claims are largely false. Because Ems is a passive exercise, it doesn't burn fat or fat. To lose weight, a someone must commit to a more meaningful, accepted practice program.

But, as many coaches and expert trainers will attest, Ems does have its uses and can help athletes reach their potential. people who do purchase and use Ems machines might wonder how often they can use the machines on the same muscle groups. Since Ems involves using electrical current, people might be involved about over-using it.

Most manufacturers of Ems machines propose using the machines on one muscle group at a time, alternating muscle groups every day. Some machines allow you to stimulate two muscle groups at a time, which is fine as long as they're not antagonistic muscle groups. Using Ems on antagonistic muscle groups at the same time is extremely hazardous and should be avoided.

Because Ems machines use a very low level electronic current, you don't have to worry about over-using them and "burning" your muscle.

If you decided to purchase an Electronic Muscle Stimulation ideas as a supplement to your current workout schedule or as a first step toward fitness, be sure you're buying a potential product. Check buyer literature; consult potential fitness books, magazines and websites. If you can, consult a fitness expert such as a trainer, and have expert help as you move along your journey to your strongest corporeal self.

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