Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Benefits of Nordic Walking

Do you know about - Benefits of Nordic Walking

Why is Nordic Walking (Nw) great than quarterly walking?

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How is Benefits of Nordic Walking

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehabilitation Centers.

1.Increase caloric expenditure up to 40%.
One of the most sufficient activities for burning fat and building cardiovascular fitness is cross country skiing. Both large upper body muscles and lower body muscles are fully engaged in this sport. The Nordic Walking technique will give you similar benefits. There can be an growth in oxygen consumption and caloric expenditure of up to 40%.

2. Increases upper body strength.
Regular walking only uses the legs, while arms are used for balance. Vigorous arm operation will help growth your walking speed and drive your legs. Using Nordic Walking poles, you add resistance to the arm action. This engages the core, chest, back and arm muscles.

3. Less stress on the joints.
Many habitancy suffer from back, hip, knee and ankle pain due to too much weight on the joints, loading misaligned joints, lack of spinal stability, and injury, etc. Hard paved surfaces lead to impact injuries. The Nordic Walking poles stimulate two extra legs, giving the body a useful weight distribution. This results in less stress on the joints. Anything rehabilitating from injury should avoid putting all their weight on their injury. Pregnant women can also advantage from Nordic Walking as they gain weight.

4. Relieves neck and shoulder pain.
A twelve week study in Finland showed that the musculoskeletal tension symptoms in the upper body decreased more in the group that did Nordic Walking than in those who did not. Both groups in the study were Finnish female office workers. Nordic Walking increases muscular durableness in the upper body, which seems to have a obvious result on muscles complicated in daily work tasks.

5. Improves neck and chest mobility.
Nordic Walking requires torso rotation with each step. This increases flexibility of the muscles in the thoracic area. A whole of posterior and interior upper body muscles create on the thoracic spine and ribcage. These muscles growth in mobility as a result of the torso rotation.

6. Increases safety, reduces risk of falling.
Hikers and trekkers who walk on rough terrain and carry large loads have long used ski poles for added stability. Any private who has a question with equilibrium can receive great benefits from the stability provided by the Nw poles. The poles can be useful to pregnant women as they sense a changing center of gravity. It is like walking with two extra legs.

7. Allows same intensity of running without the high impact.
People have given up running when they have learned that they can accomplish the same heart rate from Nordic Walking as they can with running. This is due to the growth in muscle usage. The upper body is working in Nw. This causes a greater examine for oxygenated blood. As the walker becomes more conditioned, they can use more sharp terrain to reach a higher intensity workout.

8. Enhances mood.
One of the first studies on Nordic Walking analyzed mood states. Explore subjects walking with poles showed a marked discount in anger, depression, fatigue, and total mood disturbances.

9. More fun!
Many Nordic Walkers say they have more fun Nw than quarterly walking because it gives them more range and by all means; of course more exercise.

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