Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Do We Need Political Correctness Rehabs

Do you know about - Do We Need Political Correctness Rehabs

Some say that political correctness is categorically a disease, much like cataracts, as it prevents you from looking the reality by clouding your judgment and mind into believing what you see is something other than you observe. Is political correctness a form of schizophrenia? If so, it is a psychological problem or a thinking disorder, and we owe it to our community to help those individuals that are too politically spoton cure themselves.

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How is Do We Need Political Correctness Rehabs

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehabilitation Centers.

Now, it is not my intention that the taxpayer who is financially better off and makes good decisions in their life should have to foot the bill, but perhaps, what we need is a political correctness rehabilitations centers. Unfortunately, right now what we have is "reality based thinking" rehabs, which are also called schools and colleges. In other words, they are brainwashing machines which we send population to so that they can no longer make capable decisions for themselves, or the permissible decisions they need to make when they vote.

How much would it cost to de-program man that has been brainwashed in this way? Well, it is said that the average man which escapes a religious cult can be reprogrammed straight through psychological work in about 14 months. This means 1 to 2 hour sessions twice a week while this period. Those individuals that are "politically correct" and could be deemed to have this "metal disorder" by the court after they were asked a series of questions, could then be cured.

These individuals would then have to foot the bill for their political correctness rehab, or they could trade for their labors, if they couldn't afford to pay. This is how I would recommend that we take care of the politically spoton and problematic situation in the United States today. Indeed, I hope you will please reconsider this.

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