Friday, August 3, 2012

Killed, Then Billed! Nightmares in the Health-Care ideas - Part One

Do you know about - Killed, Then Billed! Nightmares in the Health-Care ideas - Part One

Did you know there are some hospitals that will bill and fee you about seventy dollars for a box of lowly tissues? Shocked at that statement? Did you know there are hospitals that have billed habitancy about one hundred or two hundred dollars for a teddy-bear pillow (billed as a "cough-device")? Wondering how some hospitals stay in business? I wonder that too sometimes. But you just have to look at some hospital's billing schedules and some patient's bills and you might find the answer to this mysterious question.

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How is Killed, Then Billed! Nightmares in the Health-Care ideas - Part One

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehabilitation Centers.

Most hospitals are good and most hospitals have good employees doing an honest day's work. Most times when you enter a hospital, you get good or adequate care. We have never met anyone who came from a hospital that claimed they got great care but we have met some that claimed they had adequate, good or horrible care. What kind of hospital are you in or were you in? Were your house members inside a hospital that made their illness or health worse than it was?

Just what is the purpose of a hospital anyway? Yes, hospitals are to help habitancy get best and some of the hospitals have floors that are designed to help habitancy die best and to be in less pain while they die (these specific floors are the hospice floors). But most hospitals are designed and have the purpose of either treating , diagnosing illnesses and disease or curing illnesses or disease.

Have you seen your hospital in the news lately? How do you find out about the reputation of a single hospital? Do this, go to Google and hunt for the name of the hospital in the news. See what you come up with. Intelligent results, yes? Just do it. hunt for hospital names in Google and hunt in the news section and in the web section and see exactly how many articles were written about this hospital in the news. Before you make judgment about the hospital know this --if a hospital has a lot of good publicity , that good publicity was probably generated by the hospital itself. That is a new trend in hospital news. Yes, businesses and corporations and some hospitals are turning our newspapers into advertising places for themselves in an endeavor to turn colse to the authentically bad news that is real news -about their single hospitals.

I am not saying that all hospitals are bad. What I am saying is that there are hospitals out there that are specifically in the money-making company and as their patients get more ill and as their patients are dying from negligence and malpractice they are making even more money from those things happening. Think about it. Someone goes into the hospital with something minor or lowly or something relatively straightforward to handle, cure or treat. And somehow the negligence of the hospital causes that patient to come to be more ill. What happens? If the patient has no house or has house that cannot visit, regularly that patient will be staying in that same hospital that caused the illness to worsen and at that same time, that hospital is getting paid more and more money to treat that same individual, even though there is a lack or care or care that makes the illness worse than it is.

For example, a patient goes in with an lowly asthma assault and winds up dying. Why ? Read the news, then hunt the name of the hospital. Someone else patient goes into the hospital and gets worse or dies. Why? Read the articles that are written about these hospitals and check out the true stories, not the gossip and you will learn what is authentically happening inside some of our large teaching hospitals. (This description is not about all teaching hospitals but it is about the negligent ones, the ones that naturally are not helping patients but making patients worse than they are).

And what about the bills that you get after the hospital has done malpractice or negligence? Are you going to pay for their negligence too? every person is legally obligated to pay their hospital bills, but what lots of habitancy do not know is that lots of the bills are in error. Yes, that's right. There are so many errors on some bills that it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.

What about the hospital that would not allow a patient's house to visit but allowed the billing agency to have constant touch with the patient? What about those hospitals that have collectors or billing agents and they call themselves "patient representatives"? Yes, that happens in some hospitals. There is hope for you even if you have been a victim of this kind of billing abuse. anyone your situation is and anyone your hospital bill is, you need to read this one book --to start and then look for other books on the branch so that you can be well-informed.

Here is some print from the back of one such book, the link for the book is near the middle or end of this article:

"Arm yourself against the abuses of the American health Care System. Ready for a real medical horror story? Nine out of ten medical bills contain errors. The midpoint error per patient is ,300. And the total every year overcharge nationwide is a thinkable, billion. Counting on your assurance to pick up the slack? Don't even think about it. Now a foremost consumer advocate for patients in any place gives you the knowledge you need to fight back. The medical Bill Survival Guide will help you get back what's yours-- and make sure you'll never have to spend an extra, unnecessary dime on the care that you deserve, ever again.


What hospitals don't want you to know--and how not knowing can cost you a fortune. The unbreakable code of medical-bill language--and how to shatter it. Excessive, duplicate, incommunicable and undocumented charges --and how to bust them all. What assurance companies mean by usual, reasonable, and former treatment--and how to reverse your claim denials. The patient's financial bill of rights-- ten tasteless courtesies worth fighting for. "

This and so much more is included in this book. If you have ever been in a hospital or if you are in a hospital or have relatives, friends or co-workers in hospitals or in rehabilitation and care centers, you need this book. Reconsider this book a necessity, not a luxury. You need this book if you are going to avoid being a victim of wrong hospital billing.

Kindly read my other articles about health care systems. There are very foremost articles about doctors, nurses and there are articles about unscrupulous staff who put patients in diapers when they do not medically need to wear diapers. Read the description about Doctors and Nurses in Diapers, and then you will be fully informed.

I urge all readers and anyone who has anyone in the hospital or in nursing homes, to do some research in the area of billing, itemized billing. Never agree to pay a bill in question, when you have doubts, when you do not even know the doctor. If you just received a bill from any hospital, especially a hospital that you are not satisfied at all with, now is the time to ask their charges. Look at their bills considered and check each item that you are billed for.

(That is just an example, not anyone in particular).

Article updated December 11, 2008 and in May, 2008.

This description is prolonged in Part Two.

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