Friday, July 13, 2012

The 5 Stages of the Cycle of change

Rehab Institute Of Chicago - The 5 Stages of the Cycle of change
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Do you know about - The 5 Stages of the Cycle of change

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Why is change so difficult? Maybe we believe it has already cost us a lot to get this far so why risk everything. We are also creatures of habit. We form our habits, then our habits form us.

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How is The 5 Stages of the Cycle of change

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Change also makes us feel insecure. We feel that maybe we don't have what it takes to succeed. But change is here to stay! We could argue that when we stop changing, we stop growing.

In 1982 James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente advanced a beneficial model describing how population change. The model was based on self-help change, but study has shown it to underpin all types of change connected to behaviours such as addictions, eating disorders and it could probably be applied to changing your job or arresting house as well.

The Cycle of change (Transtheoretical law of Change, is its clinical name), unifies a whole range of theories about how population change. It assists us in insight where our clients may be in the cycle and how to engage and work with them depending on the stage they are in. In a self-help society it is foremost for clients to understand where they are.

The Cycle of change is not like a carousel, where you get on, then go around, and get off when it stops. There are entry and exit points; change can take a amount of attempts.

Some population can move rapidly through the cycle. Those recovering from drug addiction may take up to two years to allege a drug free lifestyle.

Here are the 5 stages of the cycle:-

1. Pre-Contemplation

Pre-contemplation is the stage in which population are not intending to take operation in the next six months. The population in this stage may be unaware of the consequences of their behaviour. When confronted they are likely to riposte with a surprised "Who me?" They could be termed as "happy users".

There are others in this stage who may have tried to change a amount of times without success. They have come to be demoralised by the whole process. They will commonly avoid reading, talking or even mental about their behaviour, and will come up with a amount of defenses, perhaps saying things like "I don't have a problem" or "If you had a job like mine, you would drink" (dealt with in a separate narrative on "Denial")

This person will not riposte unmistakably to being forced into rehabilitation whether by peer pressure or as part of a court order. At the time of writing this article, the Uk Government is contemplating (no pun intended) withdrawing state benefits to encourage alcoholics into treatment. Many drug/alcohol professionals will have doubts about the efficacy of such a programme. Firstly the law which is already under-funded, is not designed to take on a sudden influx of reluctant recovering alcoholics.

The Cycle of change would argue against a flourishing outcome. The fact is traditional health programs are often not designed for population at this stage as they are not matched to their needs.

2. Contemplation

Contemplation is the stage in which population intend to change in the next six months. They are aware of the benefits of change but are also aware of the costs . This balance between the costs and benefits of changing can keep population stuck in this stage for long periods of time. They will say things like "I may take drugs, but my friends take more. I'm not an addict, I can quit when I want to." They may waiver between contemplation and pre-contemplation.

This stage may take a integrate of weeks or it could take a lifetime. There is much procrastination. But it can be a time of anticipation, anxiety, operation and excitement. The population at this stage are not ready for a saving programme.

3. Preparing or Determination

Preparation is the stage where population intend to take operation in the next month. They would have taken small steps towards quitting in the past year. They have a plan of action, they have checked out what strategies or resources are available to them, consulting a counsellor, buying a self-help book or relying on a self-change approach. They are motivated to change, they will say "I have a problem, something must change. What can I do, how can I change?

Those who try to skip this stage and go straight to the operation stage, often fall flat on their faces. They know at this stage that they need a major lifestyle change. They are ready for Action.

4. Action

Action is the stage where population have made single changes in their life-styles within the past six months. They believe they have the quality to change their behaviour and are doing things to make a change. This is the stage where they are more likely to seek the withhold of others. operation is measurable, it is not just about a change in behaviour (which is often seen as the action). But operation is only one of five stages.

Not all changes to behaviour count as operation in this model. For example a smoker may have cut down, or switched to a low tar cigarette. But he must raise his game, at this stage, only total abstinence counts. There can be no half measures with alcohol or drugs.

In the operation stage he may be saying, "Getting in to this rehab has saved my life". The operation stage is also the stage where complacency can set in, when it is vital to allege focus, because here is the most risk of relapse.

5. Maintenance

The goal of the maintenance stage is to allege the new status quo. There are not so many changes to be made as in old stages. population at this stage tend to remind themselves of how much strengthen they have made.

Maintenance is the stage in which population allege a drug free lifestyle. They may be back in work, relationships reconciled, and even helping others. They are less tempted to relapse and growing in the belief that they can continue their change. They are able to anticipate the situations in which relapse could occur and prepare coping strategies in advance.

People in the Maintenance stage enduringly reformulate the rules of their lives and obtain new skills to deal with life and avoid relapse. They remain aware that what they are striving for is personally worthwhile and meaningful so that they can stay on track.


Relapse is not a stage of the cycle of change as such. But it is an foremost aspect of it. Relapse is returning to the old behaviour and abandoning the new changes. It sometimes leads a recovering person to revert to an earlier stage of change. But frequently, a relapse means going back to quadrilateral one, back in pre-contemplation, especially for a recovering drug addict or alcoholic. Smokers may get away more lightly where a relapse may take them back to Contemplation or Preparation.

There are separate ways of helping population through each stage. But that's the subject of someone else article.

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